Friday, June 28, 2013

July Goals

It's almost July (where has this summer gone already?) so I thought I'd join in on the linky party fun that I {heart} Recess is hosting and post my July Goals.

Personal: Finish reading all the books I planned on reading this summer... Let me just say it... I am a book hoarder. I can't help it. I love them too dang much. ESPECIALLY YA books and even MORE especially... YA distopian books. They are my guilty pleasure. I've already had to get two extra book cases for my house because I have so many books. But yeah... my goal is to finish the book I'm reading now (it's No Safety in Numbers by Dayna Lorentz) and the other two books I bought back in May for my summer reading. 

Family: Mom's birthday gift... her birthday isn't until August 12th, but she is sooooooooooooo hard to shop for. She never wants anything and never tells me if she needs anything I'm left pulling my hair out trying to find a nice gift for her. I'm tossing around a few options in my head right now, but I'm not 100% sure on a definite choice yet....

Health: I've been trying to make better choices when it comes to food (I've been somewhat successful but I could do better). I've been eating more fresh veggies and fruits and I've gotten myself down to only 1 can of soda a day. Now I want to cut down on stopping at fast food places which is what I hope to do this month. 

School: I've gotten some stuff done already for school, but I feel like I have eleventy-billion more and time is running out. Maybe it's just the fact that this will finally be my first year teaching on my own and having my own class (all my other experience has been where I was either a substitute or working with another teacher as their assistant). Add in the fact that I can't have any access to my school until August and I feel like I'm ready to explode. (The charter school that hired me is opening a new location and all the staff currently at the location I am going to be working at is being transferred over to there but since the building isn't finished yet, they are leaving ALL of their stuff in our building until August...which stinks for me and the other teachers at my location because we all want to get into our rooms and get things ready.) But anywhoozle... I need to revise my School To Do list. I also am going to the SDE National Conference onDifferentiated Instruction on July 16, 17, and 18th so I need to get ready for that. I'll definitely share how that conference goes afterwards. I'm excited about it because Harry and Rosemary Wong (the authors of The First Days of School) are presenting and I was able to score a space in their session!

Blog/TpT: I am pretty new to this whole blogging/TpT adventure. I just started this blog about a month ago and want to get all my buttons and apps linked into it. I also want to get in on more of the linky parties because they are super fun, and I'm having a blast getting to know all of you fabulous blogger too! As for TpT I literally just started my store there like 5 days ago, and while I have a few products up there, I want to get more up there, especially more curriculum related items.

Out of the Box: I live in Vegas and we just got a water park here this summer. It's called Wet n' Wild and it's great. I do like the slides and all of that, but there is one slide I have absolutely refused to go on cause it scares the bejeebus out of me.. .It's called the Canyon Cliffs water slide and it is literally 4 stories high and basically a vertical drop that lets the person on it sail on down at speeds of up to 33 MPH... yeah... I haven't had the guts to do it even though all my friends have multiple times and have had a blast. I am determined to attempt it at some point this month...

Well...those are my goals for July. What about yours? Head over to I {heart} Recess to link up and share them with us!


  1. Hey Stephanie,

    I am a fellow 4th grade teacher and a book hoarder too! :) (Although my stash seems to be more and more professional than fun books!) Seeing Harry Wong will be amazing! Can't wait to read about it. I'm your newest follower!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

    1. I'm glad to have you as a follower! I follow your blog as well! I have a good number of professional books, and a long list of more that I want to get. I really am excited about seeing Harry Wong at the conference. Ron Clark is supposed to be the keynote speaker as well so that should be interesting too!

  2. Hi~Book Hoarder here too! I actually get mad at myself when I don't find the time to read all the books that are piling up...Oh well, maybe that should have been a goal for me this month too. I'm your newest bloglovin follower. :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. Totally share your book addiction! :) I have bought 3 new ones this week based on blogs I've read and have started a list of ones I think I need but should check out from the public library first.
    I would love to see Harry Wong. I faithfully reread his book The First Days of School every August just to refresh my brain before heading back into the classroom. Best of luck to you on your very first all you classroom. You are going to love fourth grade!
    On the Trail of Learning

    1. I seriously think I need help with the whole book thing. I was out with a friend yesterday and we were near Barnes & Nobles and yeah...I just HAD to stop in, lol. I ended up buying two more books. I am super excited to see Harry Wong. I ordered the latest edition First Days of School back in March (I was given a 2nd edition copy by one of my student teaching mentor teachers at the end of my student teaching and now he's up to his 4th edition and there has been some new info added) and I've read through it once already but reading it one more time before school starts is on my list of things to do. I'm exited for teaching 4th grade...I had 4th grade during student teaching and I absolutely loved it. Good luck to you as well this upcoming school year!


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